At the center of Icera's baseband solutions is the Deep eXecution® Processor or DXP®. DXP is a new class of processor that delivers a breakthrough in performance at the low power consumption necessary in mobile applications. It has been designed and implemented by Icera to target wireless communications algorithms and control code.
The DXP design allows the entire modem functionality (including physical layer, protocol stack, RTOS, drivers and codecs) to be implemented in software on a single core device. This can be achieved without any need for hardware acceleration blocks, separate protocol stack processor, duplicated tightly-coupled memories or distributed memories across the device.
With the complexity of all the different wireless modes and algorithms now abstracted to software running on DXP, Icera is able to bring new multi-mode products to market much faster then the conventional ASIC approach. New modes can be added easily and standards can be tracked from the same Livanto device.